17th - 22nd of MAY 2022, COUNTY CLARE, IRELAND


IAAGT Ecological Edge Committee

As the 2020 AAGT conference was starting to be considered, climate change was a foreground concern for many people. The convenors knew they wanted to embed ecological awareness and sustainability as a central value and practice, and for this to be held consciously within the field throughout the planning, experience, and delivery of the conference. The Ecological Edge Committee formed, and originally included Deb Ullman, Nickei Falconer, Bruce Aaron, Adam Kincel, Luisa de Amaral, Iris Fodor, Kathy McBride and Miriam Taylor. The convenors of the 2022 conference want to continue this commitment, so the EEC is reigniting! At the time of writing, the EEC is Deb Ullman, Miriam Taylor, Paul Adams and Nickei Falconer. We welcome others.

The Falls Hotel was specifically chosen by the convenors as the conference venue, as they are committed to eco-friendly tourism and sustainability. A carbon neutral property, they generate their own hydropower from the river that runs through the property, and the gas they use is from 100% renewable sources. Additionally, they use chemical free cleaning products throughout the hotel, do not use plastic straws or cups, use glass shampoo and conditioner bottles and they aim for low food waste and recycle. The convenors have liaised with the hotel to provide nutrient-rich delicious vegetarian and vegan food, (with meat options available).

On their 50 acres the Falls Hotel have beehives, wildflowers gardens and run an annual tree planting programme. Ireland has the lowest forest cover of all European countries. Tree planting is a hugely effective response to reducing carbon; one tree offsets one tonne of carbon. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/jul/04/planting-billions-trees-best-tackle-climate-crisis-scientists-canopy-emissions IAAGT and the EEC want to contribute to reforestation in Ireland. The EEC have arranged a carbon-offsetting option on the conference registration page, so your environmental activism can be easy! Donations will go to an Irish reforesting organisation, the Burreneo Trust https://burrenbeo.com/the-burren-pine-project/ who are planting native pine tree mini forests in the Burren at the seasonally correct time and with other compatible plantings. Donations provide ongoing restoration and care for this tree whose life in the Burren goes back 1500 years. We urge you to contribute, regardless of how you travel; our world needs more trees.

The Falls is Located near the spectacular Burren UNESCO Geopark https://www.burrengeopark.ie/. We intend to hold an outing to the farm of Harry Jeuken located within the Burren. Harry manages his stock and land using Celtic farming principles; he is hugely interesting and knowledgeable character. Our time there will include a visit to the 400-year-old hawthorn tree (a significant tree in Celtic culture), and to the fairy ring. This will be followed by coffee and cake in Harry’s teahouse. Numbers are limited so registration for this event is required.

Two years on, the Covid epidemic has been dominant in our personal and global experience. The sustainability of our environment and the impacts of our belief and behaviour (as evidenced through climate change), may not be as consciously prominent now as they were in previous years. Yet, the urgency for us to act sustainably remains imperative. Our shared quality of life on Earth depends upon it.